

Breathing Exercises for Relaxation and Life…

For many people breathing is a basic bodily function taken for granted.

Others have learned that the fundamental link between body and mind means that breathing – done with intent and purpose – can modify your mental and physical state.

Whether for relaxation, de-stressing, boosting energy and focus, or balancing your body’s energies, many people believe deep breathing is an invaluable skill.

In BreatheX you’ll find a wide range of breathing exercises that have been found to be helpful in all of these areas. Some are suggested by psychologists, others are drawn from Yoga and Hindu traditions. We’ll guide you through deep breathing technique and exercises, teaching you the routines and then guiding your breath timing to help you get the most out of each.


We’ve included a couple of basic exercises for you to try, to see if you find them helpful and like using BreatheX. These exercises may be all you ever need, but many more are available should you want to expand your deep breathing repertoire!



BreatheX… FREE for Android from Google Play.